To get everybody interested in the same system, the system must be accessible and user friendly for everybody in the business. If you don't do this you will find that your teams identify their own systems and start operating in silo's making it very difficult for you to manage or see the bigger picture. What I have seen works best, is choosing 1 ERP system as the centralised business system. Then give all your teams the ability to use and capture into this system by building an ecosystem around it. By doing this you: - increase the speed at which data is captured; - improve data quality as all team members look after the central system; - decrease the overall cost of IT systems and add on apps; and - improve team collaboration as everybody wants to ensure that the centralised system is accurate At MyBI our passion is to help SME businesses grow. This passion has driven us to build an eco-system around Pastel Partner and Pastel Xpress to help SME's setup a centralised ERP environment.