Directors, CEO's and business owners need to make crucial decisions on a regular basis. The smaller the business the more regular these decisions will occur. A startup for instance will perhaps need to make multiple crucial decisions on a daily basis whilst a more established corporate business will have less of it as it has an established infrastructure and team.
I have found that it is almost impossible to make the right decision without information. But I found the process of obtaining information extremely frustrating in my SME businesses. Often the reporting processes in SME's are very slow and the data has little depth making the decision making process even more difficult.
In corporates however reporting is usually quick and the data rich, helping executive to make informed decisions.
As SME's we should strive to be better than large business as we need to make crucial decision far more often.
Thankfully I no longer have to wait for high quality reports with MyBI App. It automates the management accounts and BI reporting of my businesses. Since I started to use it I have seen significant turnaround and positive growth in my businesses.