Auditing is an awesome profession.
You get to work with so many different companies and industries. I have always appreciated the level of respect I receive from clients. Auditing is an extremely pressurised and risky environment. You need to work at rapid speed with as little as possible errors.
With the increase in digital data, this pressure is growing. Back in the day, I mostly used Excel as the environment into which I exported financial data to restructure, calculate, analyse and do sample selections. I became very proficient in Excel and I new most of the tips and tricks. My life however changed when I started using business intelligence ("BI").
With a structured BI tool you have clean workable data at your fingertips.
Multiple connections have already been built and transaction detail is a click away. Now I have the much more time to look at the financial data and do higher quality analytics much faster.
The BI tool 10x'd my efficiency and reduced errors. As a result, I am able to give far more value as a financial specialist.
I encourage all of my auditing friends to look consider using BI.
Don't miss this boat!