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Is your business scoreboard visible to your team?

Business is a team effort and the better the team interacts, communicates and execute, the better the results. Over the last 10 years I have worked with 100's of SME's and I can attest to this. In business, grasping the concept of team and teamwork is not easy. I have thus often resorted to sport, where teams are very visible, to make this concept more understandable Understanding how the team is fairing in sport is fairly simply. Anybody in the team can just look up at the scoreboard. Even the people off of the field can look at the very same scoreboard to see how things are going. The scoreboard has this amazing ability to just give honest feedback to all role-players of the game, as long as it is visible to all. So if business is a team effort, where is the scoreboard? I have heard many owners and managers say they do not want to share the financial and other important KPI results with the team as it is confidential. This to me is like telling a player to run onto the field, play to win, but not showing them the score. Can you see how this can kill teamwork? I strongly suggest you consider getting a visible scoreboard (a.k.a. dashboard) for your team to enable them to succeed together.

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