“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new.“ Socrates
LockDown is extremely weird to say the least. However considering Socrates' quote, which stems from 400BC, change has always been with us.
In my first post on this subject I touched on my top 3 tips to becoming a remote auditor.
Technology should be a tool that you study and use during this time to help your customers. Technology is a safe space in which you can self isolate and give a great service.
When selecting technology as auditor, keep in mind that your financial knowledge is the real value, not the spreadsheets you create. Your customer does not mind what tools you use, they need your brain power.
Lock down is throwing a very real curve ball. Cash flow constraints! My suggestion is to optimise your processes so that you are able to give the same value with less effort and in less time. In this manner you can deliver the same quality of service at a lower cost.
Auditing tools such as MyBI App gives you the ability to optimize your remote auditing through automated BI, data insight and cloud access.