Made for Sage50cloud , SAGE Pastel Partner or SAGE Pastel Xpress


Pastel Partner and Pastel Xpress has a great database, PSQL, which has been tried and tested over more than 3 decades.

Let's Talk Business Intelligence BI

From an accounting point of view I have spent countless hours auditing and analysing the transactional flow and structures and I can attest that it is very sound.

Looking at the raw Pastel data is stunning. Accessing it however use to be problematic. I had to wait for the finance team to send me exports or the raw .dat files.

Then I had to spend hours to transform this data into workable reports and working papers.

This frustration drove us to start MyBI.

MyBI Apps generates live and drill-able Management Accounts from transaction level data directly from the Pastel database files.

MyBI Apps seamlessly connects with multiple databases from a single location without the need for additional Pastel licences. Accordingly, a user can remotely analyse and review businesses with full insight to transaction data.

All apps are provided through cloud services to ensure that you can connect from anywhere any time.

I must say, my frustrations are gone and I once again love looking at my business information and data to make day to day decisions.

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MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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