Made for Sage50cloud , SAGE Pastel Partner or SAGE Pastel Xpress


Staying on is an extreme ride!

As entrepreneurs we are exposed to the elements of the business world like a surfer is exposed to the waves.

I have never had the privileged to surf like this, but I am sure you will agree that this surfer is not concerned about the dangers, but rather loving the ride!

Learning to stay on the board like a pro, means getting back up after each fall.

Entrepreneurs are like extreme sportsman of the #business world and failure is part of the sport. Business is extreme and outright scary at times, but when you get it right and ride that wave like a pro, it's worth it!

Business constantly changes and we need to make quick decisions on which business waves to leave and which are the right ones to ride. I base my decision on fact not fiction with live management accounts, directly from my #Pastel database with MyBI App... want to join me?

Let's go surfing!

Your Data • Your Asset

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MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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