Business Intelligence from SAGE 50 Cloud, Sage Pastel Partner & Sage Pastel Xpress.
The MyBI app is an easy to use business management, and business Intelligence reporting tool.
The MyBI app transforms your SAGE Pastel accounting system (Sage50cloud / Pastel Partner / Pastel Xpress) from a silo based architecture, that requires you to navigate to individual reports, into an ocean of knowledge enriched with
Business Intelligence (BI).
Easy access to Top customers, Top suppliers, Sales, Gross and Net profits, Open Quotes and Sales orders, Item analysis by amount or quantity, Customer/Suppliers databases, Balance Sheer Ratios, Income Statement, Ratios, Daily Sales and much more…
The MyBI app provides you with the key to unlocking your businesses potential.
Video Introduction
Top Level Management Reports
View management accounts daily with the click of a button.
Create a balance sheet whenever you need to for the period and company's you select.
Identify where you're spending the money with up to date data. One click away.
Cash flow has never been easier to manage. Quickly see the accounts and drill down to transaction level.
A trial balance that balances all the time, one click away.
Marketing & Sales
MyBI reflects all sales related transactions, from customer activity through to item history. The information provides a common platform from which sales & marketing can plan campaigns.
Identify the top selling products and drill down to see what orders were placed and by whom.
Identify sales trends to plan stock holding.
Identify the top customers. View open orders and quotes.
Communicate with customers.
Identify missing customer information.
Purchasing & Operations
MyBI reflects all purchased and order related transactions from suppliers. The information provides a common platform from which trends, budgets and cash flow forecasts can be created.
Identify the top purchased products and drill down to see what orders were placed and by whom.
Identify purchasing trends to plan stock holding.
Identify the top supplier. View and manage open purchase orders.
Communicate with suppliers.
Identify missing supplier information.
Single licence fee • Unlimited users