Made for Sage50cloud , SAGE Pastel Partner or SAGE Pastel Xpress

Let's talk BI

Forecast and Budget

How to FORECAST and BUDGET like a PRO in Excel Budget & Forecast Like a Pro in Excel One of my favourite things to do in Excel is modelling the financial future of a business. I have however learnt a few tips and tricks which makes this process much easier which I share in this […]

Working Capital

WORKING CAPITAL IN A BUSINESS What is it Understanding Working Capital One of the biggest learning curves in business for me has been to grasp working capital. I have spent the last decade really sinking my teeth into it and I am still learning so much. I can confirm that working capital is crucial to […]

AI auditor, enhance your auditing

How an AI auditor works and can help enhance your auditing ability Improve your auditing with an AI Auditor As auditors, we assess whether transactions are correct in all material respects and meet our audit objectives. I have found that we are often better equipped to assess the complex transactions, than the ordinary day to […]

Automate VAT reconciliations

Automate VAT reconciliations by transaction in Pastel Partner, Pastel Xpress & Sage 50Cloud Become the Superman of VAT auditorsAUTOMATE VAT RECONCILIATIONS WITH AI How often have you done a VAT reconciliation where you spend 80% of your time compiling the report and only 20% analysing it? As VAT specialist the real value for a customer […]

T-account audit trail

PIVOT LIKE A PRO • Building an audit trail • Data Auditor Build a T-account audit trail quickly. Full T-account oversight is key when you audit. Understanding where all debits & credits went, is crucial for your ability to audit the transaction. Finding all the legs use to be simple when we still did accounting […]

Automate your Pastel Processes

Automate your Pastel Processes with MyBI Apps EMPOWER YOUR TEAM BY AUTOMATING YOUR PASTEL PROCEDURES Improving your accounting efficiencies has always been important. However now that many of us cannot sit in one office, it is even more important to streamline capturing and automate reporting so that you can have high quality transactions being captured […]

Turn data into logical pictures

PIVOT CHARTS LIKE A PRO • Turn data into logical pictures Turning your data into logical pictures and making it FUN! Did you know that your Pastel is out of balance most days of the year? Don't stress. It is because of the way that control total transactions are processed to the PSQL database. We […]

VAT returns and reconciliations

VAT returns and reconciliations with MyVAT from Pastel Xpress, Pastel Partner or Sage 50Cloud "HET JOU KATVIS!" In a Pastel database VAT control transactions are posted with an automated reference, ZCONTRAS. I am sure many of you can attest that reconciling this transaction back to origination net legs is like plucking nose hair….extremely painful…. MyVAT […]

Managing multiple businesses

Automatically consolidate multiple Pastel databases into 1 set of management accounts MANAGE AND AUDIT MULTIPLE PASTEL DATABASES AT THE SAME TIME • MyBI App Managing multiple companies within a single set of management accounts is awesome and makes my life so much easier. If you have multiple Pastel Partner, Pastel Xpress or Sage 50Cloud companies […]

Turn data into pictures to improve your ability to audit

Pivot like a pro Turn data into pictures to improve your ability to audit Auditing with BI • Pivot like a pro • Turn data into pictures to improve your ability to audit Our minds work much better in pictures than in text and numbers. Understanding that can really help you become a better auditor […]
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MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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