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Let's talk BI

IT14SD reconciliations - A data fight!

Most people cringe when you say: "IT14SD recon". It is completely understandable considering the level of accuracy required by #SARS when completing it. SARS requires reasons to be provided for variances of more than R100 ( Precision is key! In Lehman terms, an IT14SD is a reconciliation between your business' transactions and the returns submitted […]

In business financial reports are crucial. The question is: "How much time do you spend generating them vs. reading them?"

Alec Candiotes a CA(SA) says, as a #financial specialist, I used to spend many hours generating reports. I considered my value as "Excel Guru" slaving away generating beautiful #spreadsheets, more important than my ability to study and scrutinise them in order to give Chartered Accountant value to the business. The fact is that no human […]

The journey of an entrepreneur can be lonely and confusing

The journey of an #entrepreneur can be lonely and confusing, often you find yourself uncertain about what step to take next. Over the last 5 years, I’ve been privilege to also call myself an entrepreneur. Following on my auditing background, I was accustomed to quality, on-time reporting. It’s any entrepreneur's dream to build a BIG business. […]
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MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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