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Let's talk BI

Tip 1: How to enrich your data: Focus on the inputs

Focus on the inputs Extracting valuable BI from an accounting system is almost impossible if the captured data is flat. I have had the privileged to work with hundreds of companies financial data over the last 20 years. I can honestly say that you get out what you put in. That may sounds like a […]

We had such an awesome question today. How do I capture YOCO transaction in my Pastel quickly?

Why we jumped at the opportunity to get a solution here is because we love finance and technology, and YOCO is such cool tech for SME's. The problem we needed to think about was how to deal with the 2.95% ex VAT transaction fee that YOCO charges. YOCO thus only pays over to you an […]

This is food for thought. How to capture a YOCO transaction in Pastel?

I see 4 transactions that occur and this is what you need to think of to make sure you capture your transaction accurately and quickly. Think of it similarly to when you pay for goods at a till point at Woolworths or Pick & Pay. Many things are happening at once. Finance and technology is […]

Your business' data….asset or not?

I often ask SME owners this question, and I have noted that many do not really see their business data as an asset. Most see business data as only financial transactions. Put in other words, business data is only money that flows. This is a common misconception of SME's. I made this very mistake for […]

Importing into Pastel and Run-time errors

Importing into Pastel is a great way to speed up capturing. Pastel has got both Master file importing capabilities and document importing capabilities. Master files can be exported and imported under Files > Export/Import: Document export and import is accessible within each document processing screen in the Batch update button: To get it right the […]

Is your team data fit?

The speed at which your team can accurately pass data between each other, capture it and generate reports, determines their data fitness. Many SME businesses see data capturing as a one man activity, which often results in only a few people caring about the data, or even worse massive resource waste in the form of […]

Are you playing the data game?

If data is the name of the game, then capturing will be the players and reporting will be the coaches.  Building quality data does not just happen. There are 3 major things to look at:1. Infrastructure: Have I set up my ERP system well enough to enable my business data to be captured in a […]

Automated BI for Pastel

BI tools have evolved dramatically over the last 5 years. And I am so thankful for it. These tools greatly enhance our ability to work with big data sets. With business data increasing at the speed of light we as accountants, auditors and management have to also improve our ability to work with more data. […]

How healthy is your Pastel data

Pastel Xpress and #Pastel Partner are still the two most commonly used accounting systems, by SME's in SA. I work extensively with multiple Pastel databases. These databases are soundly structured based on T-account principles. As a CA, I am impressed with the depth and accuracy of it.  The overall posting principles are guided by the […]


MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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