Made for Sage50cloud , SAGE Pastel Partner or SAGE Pastel Xpress

Let's talk BI

BI and AI, two new kids on the block. Have you met them?

At first sight we often experience them as bullies that want to nullify us. I've been working with both for the last 2 years, and I came to realise that they are my friends. BI (business intelligence) helps me to better understand my business, enabling me to make more informed decision based on factual information […]

Pastel Partner vs PSQL

Do you know that your Pastel processes to a PSQL database? It stands for Pervasive SQL. It is extremely powerful and has amazing capabilities and capacities as long as you respect its rules and have set up your Pastel in a healthy infrastructure. Did you know that you only see a small slice of your […]

Welcome to the month end blues… Especially when you have to submit VAT.

Submitting a VAT return is not just as simple as reading amounts from your TB, or even a tax report. Before you submit you need to make sure that all transactions processed were correctly captured for VAT purposes. This is an important step to make sure you adhere to the rules of VAT. In the […]

Auditing with BI

Auditing is an awesome profession. You get to work with so many different companies and industries. I have always appreciated the level of respect I receive from clients. Auditing is an extremely pressurised and risky environment. You need to work at rapid speed with as little as possible errors. With the increase in digital data, […]

"Crouching credit hidden debit."

This was the slogan on one of the T-shirts at a sportsday a few years ago when I was still at PwC. I had such a lekker laugh and until today it has stuck with me. Although I laugh at this I have often felt that debits and credits hide away from me. As auditors […]

Why crawl when you can fly!

Give me a whoop-whoop if you also love accountancy. For me accountancy is like a game. The debits vs the credits and you keep playing until everything is zero. Since I started auditing, reporting and analysing with BI tools I realised that I was far removed from the core beauty of accountancy. I spent all […]

Reconciling VAT to transaction level is very time consuming. As a result we often fall back to reasonability analytics and auditing.

SARS however expects VAT vendors to be in control of VAT on a transaction by transaction level. An IT14SD recon for instance needs to be accurate within R100 of your VAT returns. So a reasonability, most likely, will not suffice. I have spent countless hours reconciling VAT and other financial related balances and in my […]

Financial people, the world needs your brain, not your report

It is no secret that I love accounting and yes taxation. Understanding and reporting on the debits and credits of a business is special. I use to spend a significant amount of my time generating reports. My colleagues regularly referred to me as Mr Excel, which I was proud to be. Excel is my jam!  But […]

Multi-currency reporting in Pastel added to MyBI

Technology and globalisation make it much easier to do business across borders. More and more of our clients import and export goods and services and must transact foreign currencies within their accounting system. Accounting for multi-currency transaction can be complicated and overwhelming. We decided to see if we could help…and yes, we could! MyBI together […]

I am very excited and thankful to announce the launch of our new MyBI website. Wow launching a website is hard work.....

Well done to our marketing team!! A special thanks to Bruce Young who put in weeks of work to make this possible. You are a champion! Features of our website includes, but is not limited to: video demos online purchasing product brochure overview descriptions of our products: Management Accounts VAT Reconciliations Consolidated Management Accounts Transaction DrillDown about […]


MyBI App is a comprehensive Business Intelligence and Auditing app that integrates directly with Pastel Partner & Pastel Xpress. The MyBI VAT Reconciliation Tool simplifies the VAT reconciliation process.
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